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Application deployment error

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Link: https://www.windows-noob.com/forums/topic/8682-strange-issues-with-application-deployment-evaluation-cycle/

On some of our clients the Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle have stopped evaluate for some reason.

AppDiscovery.log, AppEnforce.log and AppIntentEval.log can be untouched for weeks..And if I manualy run Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle nothing happens.

Check on the Client with powershell:

Run this powershell script with admin rights on on of those clients and see if it returns something that is not 0.

[int]$countMissingDTs = 0

$Applications = gwmi -namespace root\ccm\clientsdk -query "select * from ccm_application"
exit 1

$AppsTotal = $Applications.Length

foreach($App in $Applications)
$AppDT = [wmi] $App.__Path

if($AppDT.AppDTs.Name.Length -eq 0)
$countMissingDTs = $countMissingDTs + 1

Resolution 1:

If, then CcmStore.sdf is deleted and the cm-agent healthcheck is initiated and that recreates the CcmStore.sdf and things seems to start working again after a while (10-20 minutes).

For now I have created a schedule task that checks once a day
