Wie können wir helfen?
compile the file DiscoveryStatus.mof
Setup was unable to compile the file DiscoveryStatus.mof
Client install fails install fails with error:
MSI: Setup was unable to compile the file DiscoveryStatus.mof
The error code is 80041002
File C:\Windows\ccmsetup\{59A0EA77-D28C-4286-83A6-04BB57B9CDD6}\client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1603
Action: CcmRegisterWmiMofFile.
Setup was unable to compile the file DiscoveryStatus.mof
The error code is 80041002
Troubleshooting Steps:
1. Open CMD in the administrator command prompt
2. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Policy Platform
3. mofcomp ExtendedStatus.mof
4. Retry the CM client installation