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SCCM Log Fies

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This post is really helpful for people who are looking for SCCM log files. The ConfigMgr log files can be viewed with a tool called CMTrace tool located in the path: <ConfigMgr_Install_Media>/SMSSETUP/TOOLS.

To figure out what’s wrong with SCCM, you need to know where the ConfigMgr log files are. On clients, servers, and site servers, the SCCM log files are located in different places.

The SCCM log files are identified by .log or .lo_ file extensions. ConfigMgr writes to the file a .log until it reaches its maximum size. Don’t worry, there is an article published to increase SCCM site server log files.

Sometimes a log file may change locations based on the deployment in SCCM. For example, the smsts.log file changes its location depending on the phase of the operating system installation you are in. Learn about the SMSTS.log file location during SCCM OSD.

The SCCM client logs are located in the following path: C:\Windows\CCM\Logs. The SCCM server log files are located in DRIVE-Letter:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs.

Table of Contents – Configuration Manager Log Files

SCCM Log File Viewer Options For Admins

There are many SCCM log file viewer options for admins, and you can pick your tool to read the ConfigMgr log files.

These tools help you read and analyze the ConfigMgr log files to identify the errors and warnings. Not only that, there are tools available that can translate SCCM error codes to messages.

When you want to open any SCCM log file, you need a proper tool to read the log files. Although you can open log files with a built-in application such as Notepad, but other tools provide more advantages.

If you are looking for tools to open and view SCCM log files, you can use one of these tools:

SCCM Client Log Files

  • CAS – Content Access Service. Maintains the local package cache.
  • Ccmexec.log – Records activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service.
  • CertificateMaintenance.log – Maintains certificates for Active Directory service and management points.
  • ClientIDManagerStartup.log – Creates and maintains the client GUID.
  • ClientLocation.log – Site assignment tasks.
  • ContentTransferManager.log – Schedules the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) or the Server Message Block (SMB) to download or to access SMS packages.
  • DataTransferService.log – Records all BITS communication for policy or package access.
  • Execmgr.log – Records advertisements that run.
  • FileBITS.log – Records all SMB package access tasks.
  • Fsinvprovider.log (renamed to FileSystemFile.log in all SMS 2003 Service Packs) – Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) provider for software inventory and file collection.
  • InventoryAgent.log – Creates discovery data records (DDRs) and hardware and software inventory records.
  • LocationServices.log – Finds management points and distribution points.
  • Mifprovider.log – The WMI provider for .MIF files.
  • Mtrmgr.log – Monitors all software metering processes.
  • PolicyAgent.log – Requests policies by using the Data Transfer service.
  • PolicyAgentProvider.log – Records policy changes.
  • PolicyEvaluator.log – Records new policy settings.
  • Remctrl.log – Logs when the remote control component (WUSER32) starts.
  • Scheduler.log – Records schedule tasks for all client operations.
  • Smscliui.log – Records usage of the Systems Management tool in Control Panel.
  • StatusAgent.log – Logs status messages that are created by the client components.
  • SWMTRReportGen.log – Generates a usage data report that is collected by the metering agent. (This data is logged in Mtrmgr.log.)

SCCM Log Files for Mac Client Computers

The Configuration Manager client for Mac computers records information in the following log files on the Mac computer:

Log Files for Mac Client ComputersDescriptionLog File Location
CCMClient-date_time.logRecords activities that are related to the Mac client operations, including application management, inventory, and error logging./Library/Application Support/Microsoft/CCM/Logs
CCMAgent-date_time.logRecords information that is related to client operations, including user sign in and sign out operations, and Mac computer activity.~/Library/Logs
CCMNotifications-date_time.logRecords activities that are related to Configuration Manager notifications displayed on the Mac computer.~/Library/Logs
CCMPrefPane-date_time.logRecords activities related to the Configuration Manager preferences dialog box on the Mac computer, which includes general status and error logging.~/Library/Logs

SCCM Server Log Files

  • Ccm.log – Client Configuration Manager tasks.
  • Cidm.log – Records changes to the client settings by the Client Install Data Manager (CIDM).
  • Colleval.log – Logs when collections are created, changed, and deleted by the Collection Evaluator.
  • Compsumm.log – Records Component Status Summarizer tasks.
  • Cscnfsvc.log – Records Courier Sender confirmation service tasks.
  • Dataldr.log – Processes Management Information Format (MIF) files and hardware inventory in the Configuration Manager 2007 database.
  • Ddm.log – Saves DDR information to the Configuration Manager 2007 database by the Discovery Data Manager.
  • Despool.log – Records incoming site-to-site communication transfers.
  • Distmgr.log – Records package creation, compression, delta replication, and information updates.
  • Hman.log – Records site configuration changes, and publishes site information in Active Directory Domain Services.
  • Inboxast.log – Records files that are moved from the management point to the corresponding SMSINBOXES folder.
  • Inboxmgr.log – Records file maintenance.
  • Invproc.log – Records the processing of delta MIF files for the Dataloader component from client inventory files.
  • Mpcontrol.log – Records the registration of the management point with WINS. Records the availability of the management point every 10 minutes.
  • Mpfdm.log – Management point component that moves client files to the corresponding SMSINBOXES folder.
  • MPMSI.log – Management point .msi installation log.
  • MPSetup.log – Records the management point installation wrapper process.
  • Ntsvrdis.log – Configuration Manager 2007 server discovery.
  • Offermgr.log – Records advertisement updates.
  • Offersum.log – Records summarization of advertisement status messages.
  • Policypv.log – Records updates to the client policies to reflect changes to client settings or advertisements.
  • Replmgr.log – Records the replication of files between the site server components and the Scheduler component.
  • Rsetup.log – Reporting point setup log.
  • Sched.log – Records site-to-site job and package replication.
  • Sender.log – Records files that are sent to other child and parent sites.
  • Sinvproc.log – Records client software inventory data processing to the site database in Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Sitecomp.log – Records maintenance of the installed site components.
  • Sitectrl.log – Records site setting changes to the Sitectrl.ct0 file.
  • Sitestat.log – Records the monitoring process of all site systems.
  • Smsdbmon.log – Records database changes.
  • Smsexec.log – Records processing of all site server component threads.
  • Smsprov.log – Records WMI provider access to the site database.
  • SMSReportingInstall.log – Records the Reporting Point installation. This component starts the installation tasks and processes configuration changes.
  • SMSSHVSetup.log – Records the success or failure (with failure reason) of installing the System Health Validator point.
  • Srvacct.log – Records the maintenance of accounts when the site uses standard security.
  • Statmgr.log – Writes all status messages to the database.
  • Swmproc.log – Processes metering files and maintains settings.

Site Server Installation Log Files

The following table lists the ConfigMgr log files that contain information related to SCCM site server installation.

Site Server Log File NameDescriptionSite Server Log File Location
ConfigMgrPrereq.logRecords prerequisite component evaluation and installation activitiesSite server
ConfigMgrSetup.logRecords detailed output from the site server setup.Site server
ConfigMgrSetupWizard.logRecords information related to activity in the Setup Wizard.Site server
SMS_BOOTSTRAP.logRecords information about the progress of launching the secondary site installation process. Details of the actual setup process are contained in ConfigMgrSetup.log.Site server
smstsvc.logRecords information about the installation, use, and removal of a Windows service. Windows uses this service to test network connectivity and permissions between servers. It uses the computer account of the server that creates the connection.Site server and site system server

Asset Intelligence Log Files

Use the below log files to troubleshoot the Asset Intelligence related issues.

Asset Intelligence Log File NameDescriptionAsset Intelligence File Location
AssetAdvisor.logRecords the activities of Asset Intelligence inventory actions.Client Computer
aikbmgr.logRecords details about the processing of XML files from the inbox for updating the Asset Intelligence catalog.Site server
AIUpdateSvc.logRecords the interaction of the Asset Intelligence sync point with the cloud service.Site system server
AIUSMSI.logRecords details about the installation of the Asset Intelligence sync point site system role.Site system server
AIUSSetup.logRecords details about the installation of the Asset Intelligence sync point site system role.Site system server
ManagedProvider.logRecords details about discovering software with an associated software identification tag. Also records activities related to hardware inventory.Site system server
MVLSImport.logRecords details about the processing of imported licensing files.Site system server

Asset Intelligence Log Files

Configuration Manager Console Log Files

Use the below log files to troubleshoot issues related to Configuration Manager console.

SCCM Console Log File NameDescriptionConsole Log File Location
ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.logRecords the installation of the Configuration Manager console.Computer that runs the Configuration Manager console
SmsAdminUI.logRecords information about the operation of the Configuration Manager console.Computer that runs the Configuration Manager console
Smsprov.logRecords activities of the SMS Provider.Site server or site system server

Configuration Manager Console Log Files

SCCM Management Point Log Files

Use the below log files to troubleshoot the issues related to your SCCM Management Point Server. These log files are useful when you are setting up Management Point server in SCCMuninstalling the MP role, etc.

SCCM Management Point Log File NameDescriptionMP Log File Location
CcmIsapi.log Records client messaging activity on the endpoint. Site system server.Site system server
CCM_STS.logRecords activities for authentication tokens, either from Azure Active Directory or site-issued client tokens. Site system server.Site system server
ClientAuth.log Records signing and authentication activity. Site system server.Site system server
MP_CliReg.logRecords the client registration activity processed by the management point.Site system server
MP_Ddr.logRecords the conversion of XML.ddr records from clients, and copies them to the site server.Site system server
MP_Framework.logRecords the activities of the core management point and client framework components.Site system server
MP_GetAuth.logRecords the status of the site management points.Site system server
MP_GetPolicy.logRecords policy information.Site system server
MP_Hinv.logConverts XML hardware inventory records from clients and copies the files to the site server.Site system server
MP_Location.logRecords location manager tasks.Site system server
MP_OOBMgr.logRecords the management point activities related to receiving an OTP from a client.Site system server
MP_Policy.logRecords policy communication.Site system server
MP_RegistrationManager.logRecords activities related to client registration, such as validating certificates, CRL, and tokens.Site system server
MP_Relay.logCopies files that are collected from the client.Site system server
MP_Retry.logRecords the hardware inventory retry processes.Site system server
MP_Sinv.logConverts XML hardware inventory records from clients and copies them to the site server.Site system server
MP_SinvCollFile.logRecords details about file collection.Site system server
MP_Status.logRecords details about the conversion of XML.svf status message files from clients and the copy of those files to the site server.Site system server
mpcontrol.logRecords the registration of the management point with WINS. Records the availability of the management point every 10 minutes.Site server
mpfdm.logRecords the actions of the management point component that moves client files to the corresponding INBOXES folder on the site server.Site system server
mpMSI.logRecords details about the management point installation.Site server
MPSetup.logRecords the management point installation wrapper process.Site server
UserService.logRecords user requests from Software Center, retrieving/installing user-available applications from the server.Site system server

ConfigMgr Management Point Log Files

Data Warehouse Service Point Log Files

The below log files contain information related to the data warehouse service point.

Data Warehouse Service Point Log File NameDescriptionDW Log File Location
DWSSMSI.logRecords messages generated by the installation of a data warehouse service point.Site system server
DWSSSetup.logRecords messages generated by the installation of a data warehouse service point.Site system server
Microsoft.ConfigMgrDataWarehouse.logRecords information about data synchronization between the site database and the data warehouse database.Site system server

Data Warehouse Service Point Log Files

Fallback Status Point Log Files

Fallback status point log files are listed below.

Fallback Status Point Log File NameDescriptionFallback Status Point Log File Location
FspIsapi.logRecords details about communications to the fallback status point from mobile device legacy clients and client computers.Site system server
fspMSI.logRecords messages generated by the installation of a fallback status point.Site system server
fspmgr.logRecords activities of the fallback status point site system role.Site system server

 Mobile Device Management Log Files

  • DmClientHealth.log – Records the GUIDs of all the mobile device clients that are communicating with the Device Management Point.
  • DmClientRegistration.log – Records registration requests from and responses to the mobile device client in Native mode.
  • DmpDatastore.log – Records all the site database connections and queries made by the Device Management Point.
  • DmpDiscovery.log – Records all the discovery data from the mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.
  • DmpFileCollection.log – Records mobile device file collection data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.
  • DmpHardware.log – Records hardware inventory data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.
  • DmpIsapi.log – Records mobile device communication data from device clients on the Device Management Point.
  • dmpMSI.log – Records the MSI data for Device Management Point setup.
  • DMPSetup.log – Records the mobile device management setup process.
  • DmpSoftware.log – Records mobile device software distribution data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.
  • DmpStatus.log – Records mobile device status messages data from mobile device clients on the Device Management Point.
  • FspIsapi.log – Records Fallback Status Point communication data from mobile device clients and client computers on the Fallback Status Point.

Mobile Device Client Log Files

  • DmCertEnroll.log – Records certificate enrollment data on mobile device clients.
  • DMCertResp.htm (in temp) – Records HTML response from the certificate server when the mobile device Enroller program requests a client authentication certificate on mobile device clients.
  • DmClientSetup.log – Records client setup data on mobile device clients.
  • DmClientXfer.log – Records client transfer data for Windows Mobile Device Center and ActiveSync deployments.
  • DmCommonInstaller.log – Records client transfer file installation for setting up mobile device client transfer files on client computers.
  • DmInstaller.log – Records whether DMInstaller correctly calls DmClientSetup and whether DmClientSetup exits with success or failure on mobile device clients.
  • DmInvExtension.log – Records Inventory Extension file installation for setting up Inventory Extension files on client computers.
  • DmSvc.log – Records mobile device management service data on mobile device clients.

Operating System Deployment Troubleshooting Log Files

You can refer to the below log files to troubleshoot SCCM operating system deployment issues.

OS Deployment Log File NameDescriptionOSD Log File Location
CAS.logRecords details when distribution points are found for referenced content.Client Computer
ccmsetup.logProvides information about client-based operating system actions. Can be used to troubleshoot client installation problems.Client Computer
CreateTSMedia.logProvides information about task sequence media when it is created. This log is generated on the computer running the Configuration Manager administrator console.Computer that runs Configuration Manager console.
Dism.logRecords driver installation actions or update application actions for offline servicing.Site system server
Distmgr.logRecords details about the configuration of enabling a distribution point for Preboot Execution Environment (PXE).Site system server
DriverCatalog.logRecords details about device drivers that have been imported into the driver catalog.Site system server
mcsisapi.logRecords information for multicast package transfer and client request responses.Site system server
mcsexec.logRecords health check, namespace, session creation, and certificate check actions.Site system server
mcsmgr.logRecords changes to configuration, security mode, and availability.Site system server
mcsprv.logRecords multicast provider interaction with Windows Deployment Services (WDS).Site system server
MCSSetup.logRecords details about multicast server role installation.Site system server
MCSMSI.logRecords details about multicast server role installation.Site system server
Mcsperf.logRecords details about multicast performance counter updates.Site system server
MP_ClientIDManager.logRecords management point responses to client ID requests that task sequences start from PXE or boot media.Site system server
MP_DriverManager.logRecords management point responses to Auto Apply Driver task sequence action requests.Site system server
OfflineServicingMgr.logRecords details of offline servicing schedules and update apply actions on operating system Windows Imaging Format (WIM) files.Site system server
Setupact.logRecords details about Windows Sysprep and setup logs.Client Computer
Setupapi.logRecords details about Windows Sysprep and setup logs.Client Computer
Setuperr.logRecords details about Windows Sysprep and setup logs.Client Computer
smpisapi.logRecords details about the client state capture and restore actions, and threshold information.Client Computer
Smpmgr.logRecords details about the results of state migration point health checks and configuration changes.Site system server
loadstate.logRecords details about the User State Migration Tool (USMT) and restoring user state data.Client Computer
smpperf.logLogs the state migration point performance counter updates.Site system server
smspxe.logRecords details about the responses to clients that use PXE boot, and details about the expansion of boot images and boot files.Site system server
smssmpsetup.logRecords installation and configuration details about the state migration point.Site system server
SMS_PhasedDeployment.logLog file for phased deployments.Top-level site in the Configuration Manager hierarchy.
Smsts.logGeneral location for all operating system deployment and task sequence log events.Client Computer
TSAgent.logRecords the outcome of task sequence dependencies before starting a task sequence.Client Computer
smpmsi.logRecords installation and configuration details about the state migration point.Site system server
TaskSequenceProvider.logProvides information about task sequences when they are imported, exported, or edited.Site system server
scanstate.logRecords details about the User State Migration Tool (USMT) and capturing user state data.Client Computer

ConfigMgr OSD Troubleshooting Log Files

Network Access Protection Log Files

  • Ccmcca.log – Logs the processing of compliance evaluation based on Configuration Manager NAP policy processing and contains the processing of remediation for each software update required for compliance.
  • CIAgent.log – Tracks the process of remediation and compliance. However, the software updates log file, *Updateshandler.log – provides more informative details on installing the software updates required for compliance.
  • locationservices.log – Used by other Configuration Manager features (for example, information about the client’s assigned site) but also contains information specific to Network Access Protection when the client is in remediation. It records the names of the required remediation servers (management point, software update point, and distribution points that host content required for compliance), which are also sent in the client statement of health.
  • SDMAgent.log – Shared with the Configuration Manager feature desired configuration management and contains the tracking process of remediation and compliance. However, the software updates log file, Updateshandler.log, provides more informative details about installing the software updates required for compliance.
  • SMSSha.log – The main log file for the Configuration Manager Network Access Protection client and contains a merged statement of health information from the two Configuration Manager components: location services (LS) and the configuration compliance agent (CCA). This log file also contains information about the interactions between the Configuration Manager System Health Agent and the operating system NAP agent, and also between the Configuration Manager System Health Agent and both the configuration compliance agent and the location services. It provides information about whether the NAP agent successfully initialized, the statement of health data, and the statement of health response.

Use these SCCM log files when you troubleshoot issues related to packages and programs.

Package Log FileDescriptionLog File Location
colleval.logRecords details about when collections are created, changed, and deleted by the Collection Evaluator.Site Server
execmgr.logRecords details about packages and task sequences that run.Client Machine

SCCM Log Files Related to Packages and Programs

System Health Validator Point Log Files

  • Ccmperf.log -Contains information about the initialization of the System Health Validator point performance counters.
  • SmsSHV.log – The main log file for the System Health Validator point; logs the basic operations of the System Health Validator service, such as the initialization progress.
  • SmsSHVADCacheClient.log – Contains information about retrieving Configuration Manager health state references from Active Directory Domain Services.
  • SmsSHVCacheStore.log – Contains information about the cache store used to hold the Configuration Manager NAP health state references retrieved from Active Directory Domain Services, such as reading from the store and purging entries from the local cache store file. The cache store is not configurable.
  • SmsSHVRegistrySettings.log – Records any dynamic changes to the System Health Validator component configuration while the service is running.
  • SmsSHVQuarValidator.log – Records client statement of health information and processing operations. To obtain full information, change the registry key LogLevel from 1 to 0 in the following location:HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftSMSSHVLogging@GLOBAL

Desired Configuration Management Log Files

Use these SCCM log files when you troubleshoot issues related to desired configuration manager.

DCM Log files NameDesciptionDCM Log File Location
ciagent.logProvides information about downloading, storing, and accessing assigned configuration baselines.SCCM Site Server
dcmagent.logProvides high-level information about the evaluation of assigned configuration baselines and desired configuration management processes.SCCM Site Server
discovery.logProvides detailed information about the Service Modeling Language (SML) processes.SCCM Site Server
sdmagent.logProvides information about downloading, storing, and accessing configuration item content.SCCM Site Server
sdmdiscagent.logProvides high-level information about the evaluation process for the objects and settings configured in the referenced configuration items.SCCM Site Server

SCCM Wake On LAN Log Files

Use these SCCM log files when you troubleshoot issues related to wake on LAN.

WOL Server Log File NameDescriptionWOL Log File Location
Wolmgr.logContains information about wake-up procedures such as when to wake up advertisements or deployments that are configured for Wake On LANSCCM Site Server
WolCmgr.logContains information about which clients need to be sent wake-up packets, the number of wake-up packets sent, and the number of wake-up packets retried.SCCM Site Server

Software Updates Site Server Log Files

Following are the software update site server log files.

  • ciamgr.log – Provides information about the addition, deletion, and modification of software update configuration items.
  • distmgr.log – Provides information about the replication of software update deployment packages.
  • objreplmgr.log – Provides information about the replication of software updates notification files from a parent to child sites.
  • PatchDownloader.log – Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source specified in the software updates metadata to the download destination on the site server.
  • replmgr.log – Provides information about the process for replicating files between sites.
  • smsdbmon.log – Provides information about when software update configuration items are inserted, updated, or deleted from the site server database and creates notification files for software updates components.
  • SUPSetup – Provides information about the software update point installation. When the software update point installation completes, Installation was successful is written to this log file.
  • WCM.log – Provides information about the software update point configuration and connecting to the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server for subscribed update categories, classifications, and languages.
  • WSUSCtrl.log – Provides information about the configuration, database connectivity, and health of the WSUS server for the site.
  • wsyncmgr.log -Provides information about the software updates synchronization process.

WSUS Server Log Files

The WSUS server log files are located in the %ProgramFiles%\Update Services\LogFiles folder.

WSUS Server Log File NameDescriptionWSUS Log File Location
Change.logProvides information about the WSUS server database information that has changed.WSUS Server
SoftwareDistribution.logProvides information about the software updates that are synchronized from the configured update source to the WSUS server database.WSUS Server

Software Updates Client Computer Log Files

  • CAS.log – Provides information about the process of downloading software updates to the local cache and cache management.
  • CIAgent.log – Provides information about processing configuration items, including software updates.
  • LocationServices.log – Provides information about the location of the WSUS server when a scan is initiated on the client.
  • PatchDownloader.log – Provides information about the process for downloading software updates from the update source to the download destination on the site server. This log is only on the client computer configured as the synchronization host for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.
  • PolicyAgent.log – Provides information about the process for downloading, compiling, and deleting policies on client computers.
  • PolicyEvaluator – Provides information about the process for evaluating policies on client computers, including policies from software updates.
  • RebootCoordinator.log – Provides information about the process for coordinating system restarts on client computers after software update installations.
  • ScanAgent.log – Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, what tool is requested for the scan, the WSUS location, and so on.
  • ScanWrapper – Provides information about the prerequisite checks and the scan process initialization for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 clients.
  • SdmAgent.log – Provides information about the process for verifying and decompressing packages that contain configuration item information for software updates.
  • ServiceWindowManager.log – Provides information about the process for evaluating configured maintenance windows.
  • smscliUI.log – Provides information about the Configuration Manager Control Panel user interactions, such as initiating a Software Updates Scan Cycle from the Configuration Manager Properties dialog box, opening the Program Download Monitor, and so on.
  • SmsWusHandler – Provides information about the scan process for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates on SMS 2003 client computers.
  • StateMessage.log – Provides information about when software updates state messages are created and sent to the management point.
  • UpdatesDeployment.log – Provides information about the deployment on the client, including software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement. Verbose logging shows additional information about the interaction with the client user interface.
  • UpdatesHandler.log – Provides information about software update compliance scanning and about the download and installation of software updates on the client.
  • UpdatesStore.log – Provides information about the compliance status for the software updates that were assessed during the compliance scan cycle.
  • WUAHandler.log – Provides information about when the Windows Update Agent on the client searches for software updates.
  • WUSSyncXML.log – Provides information about the Inventory Tool for the Microsoft Updates synchronization process. This log is only on the client computer configured as the synchronization host for the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.

Windows Update Agent Log File

  • WindowsUpdate.log – Provides information about when the Windows Update Agent connects to the WSUS server and retrieves the software updates for compliance assessment and whether there are updates to the agent components.

Windows Servicing SCCM Log Files

Following are the SCCM log files related to Windows Servicing.

Windows Servicing Log File NameDescriptionServicing Log File Location
CBS.logRecords servicing failures related to changes for Windows Updates or roles and features.Client Machine
DISM.logRecords all actions using DISMClient Machine
setupact.logPrimary log file for most errors that occur during the Windows installation process. The log file is located in the %windir%$Windows.~BT\sources\panther folder.Client Machine

Cloud Management Gateway Log Files

The following table lists the SCCM log files that contain information related to the cloud management gateway.

Cloud Management Gateway Log File NameDescriptionCMG Log Files Location
SMS_Cloud_ProxyConnector.logRecords details about setting up connections between the cloud management gateway service and the cloud management gateway connection point.This log file is located on site system server – C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs
CloudMgr.logThis file logs details related to cloud management gateway service, ongoing service status, and all the data associated with the service.On site server – C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs
CMGContentService.logThis log records the details of the service when you enable a CMG to also serve content from Azure storage.%approot%\logs on your Azure server
CMGService.logRecords details about the cloud management gateway (CMG) service core component in Azure.%approot%\logs on your Azure server
CMGHttpHandler.logThis log has been removed. The component functionality is merged into the CMG service component. Therefore see the CMGService.log instead.%approot%\logs on your Azure server
CMGSetup.logRecords details about the second phase of the cloud management gateway deployment (local deployment in Azure)%approot%\logs on your Azure server

Cloud Management Gateway Log Files

Desktop Analytics Log Files

You can use the following log files for Desktop Analytics troubleshooting.

Desktop Analytics Log File NameDescriptionDesktop Analytics Log File Location
M365AHandler.logLogs information about the Desktop Analytics settings policyClient Machine – C:\Windows\CCM\Logs
M365AUploadWorker.logInformation about collection and device upload from Configuration Manager to Microsoft cloudService connection point
M365ADeploymentPlanWorker.logLogs information about deployment plan sync from Desktop Analytics cloud service to on-premises SCCMService connection point
M365ADeviceHealthWorker.logInformation about device health upload from Configuration Manager to Microsoft cloudService connection point
SmsAdminUI.logInformation about Configuration Manager console activity, like configuring the Azure cloud servicesService connection point

Desktop Analytics Log Files

Endpoint Analytics Log Files

Troubleshooting Endpoint Analytics can be done with the following log files.

Endpoint Analytics Log File NameDescriptionLog File Location
UXAnalyticsUploadWorker.logRecords data upload to the service for endpoint analytics.Site server
SensorWmiProvider.logRecords the activity of the WMI provider for the endpoint analytics sensor.Client
SensorEndpoint.logRecords the execution of endpoint analytics policy and upload of client data to the site server.Client
SensorManagedProvider.logRecords the gathering and processing of events and information for endpoint analytics.Client

Endpoint Analytics Log Files

Endpoint Protection Log Files

Listed below are the SCCM Endpoint Protection log files and locations.

Endpoint Protection Log Files NamesDescriptionEndpoint Protection Log File Location
EndpointProtectionAgent.logRecords details about the installation of the Endpoint Protection client and the application of antimalware policy to that client.Client
EPCtrlMgr.logRecords details about the syncing of malware threat information from the Endpoint Protection role server with the Configuration Manager database.Site system server
EPMgr.logMonitors the status of the Endpoint Protection site system role.Site system server
EPSetup.logProvides information about the installation of the Endpoint Protection site system role.Site system server

Endpoint Protection Log Files

Exchange Connector Log Files

The following logs contain information related to the Exchange Server connector.

Exchange Connector Log File NameDescriptionLog file Location
easdisc.logRecords the activities and the status of the Exchange Server connector.Site Server

Exchange Connector Log Files

Power Management Log Files

The following SCCM log files contain information related to the Power Management.

Power Management Log File NameDescriptionLog file Location
pwrmgmt.logRecords details about power management activities on the client computer, including monitoring and the enforcement of settings by the Power Management Client Agent.Client Computer

Power Management Log Files

Role-Based Administration Log Files

The following table lists the SCCM log files that contain information related to managing role-based administration.

Role Based Administration Log File NameDescriptionLog file Location
hman.logRecords information about site configuration changes and the publishing of site information to Active Directory Domain Services.Site server
SMSProv.logRecords WMI provider access to the site database.Computer with the SMS Provider

Role-Based Administration Log Files

Software Metering Log Files

The following table lists the SCCM log files that contain information related to software metering.

Software Metering Log File NameDescriptionLog file Location
mtrmgr.logMonitors all software metering processes.Site server

Software Metering Log Files

SCCM Software Center Log Files

The following table lists the SCCM log files that contain information related to software center.

Software Center Log File NameDescriptionLog file Location
SCClient_domain@username_1.logRecords the activity in Software Center for the specified user on the client computer.Client computer
SCClient_domain@username_2.logRecords the historical activity in Software Center for the specified user on the client computer.Client computer
Scheduler.logRecords activities of scheduled tasks for all client operations.Client computer
SCNotify_domain@username_1.logRecords the activity for notifying users about software for the specified user.Client computer
SCNotify_domain@username_1-date_time.logRecords the historical information for notifying users about software for the specified user.Client computer

SCCM Software Center Log Files

SCCM Distribution Point Log Files

The below table lists the SCCM distribution point log files that help you to troubleshoot issues with remote DP.

Software Distribution Point Log File NameDescriptionLog file Location
distmgr.logRecords details about package creation, compression, delta replication, and information updates. It can also include other activities from the distribution manager component.Site Server
PkgXferMgr.logRecords the actions of the SMS_Executive component that is responsible for sending content from a primary site to a remote distribution point.Site Server
SMSdpmon.logRecords details about the distribution point health monitoring scheduled task that is configured on a distribution point.Site Server

SCCM Distribution Point Log Files

SCCM Reporting Services Point Log Files

The below table lists all the Configuration Manager SSRS log files that are useful for troubleshooting reporting services point issues. Refer to the following step-by-step guide to install reporting services point role for SCCM.

SSRS Log File NameDescriptionLog File Location
srsrp.logRecords information about the activity and status of the reporting services point.Site System Server
srsrpMSI.logRecords detailed results of the reporting services point installation process from the MSI output.Site System Server
srsrpsetup.logRecords results of the reporting services point installation process.Site System Server
compmon.logRecords the status of component threads monitored for the site server.Site System Server
smsexec.logRecords the processing of all site server component threads.Site System Server

SCCM Reporting Services Point Log Files

SCCM Application Groups Log Files

Use the below ConfigMgr log files to troubleshoot the issues related to the application groups deployment using SCCM.

Application Groups Log File NameDescriptionLog File Location
AppGroupHandler.logRecords detection and enforcement information for application groups.Client computer
AppEnforce.logRecords details about enforcement actions (install and uninstall) taken for applications on the client.Client computer
SettingsAgent.logEnforcement of specific applications, records orchestration of application group evaluation, and details of co-management policies.Client computer

SCCM Application Groups Log Files

Where is the SCCM Server Logs Location?

The SCCM server logs are located in DRIVE-Letter:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs.

Where is the SCCM Client Logs Location?

The client logs are located in C:\Windows\CCM\Logs folder.
